Sunday, March 1, 2020


Update time! On Sunday, my partners and I met up and discussed how our film opening is going to pan out. Here is what we worked on:


One issue we got out of the way first was what for our film opening was actually going to be filmed. The best way for us to prepare for this was to storyboard the shots. After some back and forth as to the different shot compositions and order of events in the scene were discussed, we came to a final outline for us to follow. We have around 20 shots and we also ensured what pacing and editing techniques would compliment these shots.

Shooting Location
We also figured out where our production will be taking place, my house! There is a room I have (pictured above) where there is a all white closet, a mirror, and all cream and white walls with a lot of empty space. This room is perfect due to the range of options it gives us in terms of set design with all the space and the plain white walls plays in tune with what the character's "aesthetic" persona is about. Speaking of figuring things out...

We have a name! "Valid" will be the title of our story. Funny tidbit about this title, it came to fruition when I decided to use a random word generator when my group and I were trying to come up with ideas for names. The word Valid came up and it took us all by surprise, but in a good way. We decided to roll with this name since it fits our character's struggle with wanting to feel validated through social media, as well as being vague enough to not give too much of the story away.

It was overall a really productive day where we hashed out ideas and cemented our game plan to be able to film next week. Every time my group and I meet, I feel us making more and more progress and in an efficient manner. The only things left for us to prepare before filming will be:
-editing techniques

With this in mind, we are on the right track to pump out something worth watching!

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